Monday, March 22, 2021


 Welcome to the WORLD of fabulous $5 Jewelry!!  I have been selling Paparazzi Accessories for almost 10 years now! I cannot believe time has gone by so fast! And guess what? I still absolutely LOVE what I do!!  If you have never heard about Paparazzi Accessories-let me tell you about it.  Simply it's a great direct sales company that sells $5 jewelry and hair accessories!  We do carry $1 and $25 items as well.  I have a website you can shop from or you can shop my live videos and albums on my $5 Fanatics Group on Facebook! 5dollarFanatics

Want to join my team? It's super easy-you just click the link -pick out your starter kit-and off you go!  

 Team $5 Fashionistas

I will train you and show you how to make this business work for you! I even have a facebook group for my team!!  YAY!  Each week I will post some fabulous new pieces to my blog here! I hope you enjoy!! 

Why Join Paparazzi Accessories!!

Why Join Paparazzi? Let me tell you!